Giulio Zuccaro

Prof. Giulio Zuccaro

Direttore scientifico Centro Studi Plinivs – Responsabile scientifico Area di ricerca “Analisi di vulnerabilità, rischio e scenario di impatto per edifici e infrastrutture esposte ad azioni conseguenti a fenomeni naturali”

Architect, Permanent Professor of Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures at University of Napoli Federico II and Scientific Responsible of PLINIVS Study Centre. He is founder of the Regional School of Civil Protection in Campania (2001), of which has been Director of Studies from 2001 to 2015. Since 2012 he is member of the Major Risks National Committee of the Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC). As Consultant of the Regional and National Civil Protection, he is member of the working group for the upgrading of Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei Civil Protection Plans. In the last 30 years, he has been engaged in several national and international research projects in the context of seismic, volcanic and hydrogeological risk assessment, emergency planning and decision making support, impact damage scenarios and hazard modelling, with particular reference to system vulnerability and time dependent dynamic scenarios. He is author of more than 150 papers and books on these topics.


Tel. (+39) 081.2538935
